Belgian Shepherd Dog Association of Great Britain
Home Events Breed Standard UK Breed Information Puppies Available Judges Officers and Committee
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Welcome to the Belgian Shepherd Dog Association of Great Britain (BSDA of GB) website.
Through this site you will be able to find out more informationabout the breed, including advice about owning Belgians and health information. The website will also enable you to find out about upcoming BSDA of GB shows and events, through the 'Events' page. We will be posting results from the BSDA of GB shows on the 'Show Results' page.
If you can't find what you are looking for or have any questions about the breed, please contact us
For the most up to date information, please find us on facebook.
The Belgian Shepherd Dog Association of Great Britain celebrated its 50 year anniversary in 2015.
The Association has always been concerned with all the four varieties of Belgian Shepherd Groenendael (long haired black), Tervueren (long haired, all shades of red , fawn and grey with black mask and overlay), Malinois (short haired, colour as Tervueren) and Laekenois (wirehaired, reddish fawn with black shading). The Association is involved in aspects of showing, working and also runs an active Breed Rescue Service looking after the welfare of all varieties. Offers of assistance and donations are always welcome.
Statement from the Belgian Shepherd Dog Inter Variety Breeding Commission
The Inter Variety Breeding Commission is once again working effectively. Future applicants must comply with the original criteria that were put in place with the agreement of the Belgian Shepherd Dog Association of Great Britain, the Northern Belgian Shepherd Dog Club and the Working Belgian Shepherd Dog Society, when the Commission first commenced working with the Kennel Club on this matter.
The following information must be included: -
A letter from the breeder stating the reasons for wishing to carry out the mating.
Copies of health test results for hips and eyes for both parents.
Copies of pedigrees for both parents.
A list of either show or working awards for both parents or previous offspring.
Breeders are advised to apply to the Commission well in advance of the planned mating in order to allow time for permission to be sought and obtained from the Kennel Club prior to the mating. Please send all information in a document that can easily be forwarded to Commission members. Lynda McNamara is now the secretary and applications, preferably as a portable document format (pdf) file, should be sent to her at lynda.mcnamara@hotmail.co.uk
Please note that KC registration names of puppies from any approved mating will be distinguished by the addition of three asterisks for the first generation, the next generation will have two asterisks and the third generation one.