Belgian Shepherd Dog Association of Great Britain
Home Events Breed Standard UK Breed Information Puppies Available Judges Officers and Committee
Membership Rescue Gallery Show Results Agility Links Champion Roll of Honour Contact Us

Membership Forms
Becoming a member of the Belgian Shepherd Dog Association of Great Britain could be of interest to you if you have an interest in any variety of BSD. Membership is available to both breeders and pet owners and would be of benefit to anyone interested in showing, obedience, agility and IPO or other dog sport activities
Club members will be entitled to a regular BSDA of GB newsletter and also have the opportunity to add their own articles to it. Members also benefit from reduced entry fees at club open shows and championship shows.
Current membership fees per annum are shown below:
New Members
The first year includes an initial joining fee. In subsequent years only the renewal fee will be payable
Electronic - Newsletters and Voting Papers sent by email. Postal - Newsletters and Voting Papers sent by post
Single Electronic: £17.00
Single Postal: £19
Joint Electronic: £22
Joint Postal: £25
Overseas Postal: £27
Junior Electronic (under 16): £5
Junior Postal (under 16): £7
Family Junior (joining with parents) Electronic: £5
Family Junior Postal: £7
Electronic - Newsletters and Voting Papers sent by email. Postal - Newsletters and Voting Papers sent by post
Single Electronic: £13.00
Single Postal: £15
Joint Electronic: £15
Joint Postal: £17
Overseas Postal: £23
Junior Electronic (under 16): £3
Junior Postal (under 16): £5
Family Junior (joining with parents) Electronic: £3
Family Junior Postal: £5
Affiliate Member - £5.00 (for owners of breeds other than BSDs)
Dog Sport Section - £10.00 (open to members and affiliate members of the BSDA of GB)
If you would like to join the club or renew your membership, please complete and return the relevant membership application form below and give the Standing Order Mandate to your bank if applicable
New Members Application Form - as a downloadable word document
New Members Application Form - as a pdf file (opens in a new page)
RENEWALS - all members should complete and return this form so that we can keep our records up to date -
even if you pay your renewal by standing order/electronic banking
Renewal of Membership Application Form - as a downloadable word document
Renewal of Membership Application Form - as a pdf file (opens in a new page)
The Sports section membership is only open to existing members of the BSDA of GB
Sports Section Application form - as a downloadable word document
Sports Section Application form - as a pdf file (opens in a new page)
Standing Order Mandate - as a downloadable word document
Standing Order Mandate- as a pdf file (opens in a new page)
Affiliate Membership form - as a downloadable word document
Affiliate Membership form - as a pdf file (opens in a new page)
If you have any questions, please contact the membership secretary:
Gary Knight, 44 Prescott Avenue, 44 Prescott Avenue, Banbury,
Oxfordshire, OX16 ORQ Email: memsecbsdagary@gmx.co.uk Phone: 07761898891