Belgian Shepherd Dog Association of Great Britain
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Judge:- Mo Glenton
Puppy Dog - 2 entries
1st - Gray's - Bonvivant Ave A Go Of Okami**
2nd - Snook's - Bonvivant Advantage**
Postgraduate Dog - 1 entry
1st - Ralph's - Bonvivant Vos for Brighu***
Open Dog - 1 entry
1st - Lloyd's - Haramis D'Eroudur at Belsharose
BEST DOG - Haramis D'Eroudur at Belsharose
RESERVE BEST DOG - Bonvivant Vos for Brighu***
BEST PUPPY DOG - Bonvivant Ave A Go Of Okami**
Puppy Bitch - 2 entries
1st - Ralph's - Bonvivant Aziva**
2nd - Ralph's - Bonvivant L'Air Du Temps**
Postgraduate Bitch - 2 entries
1st - Hughes' - Bonvivant Versace***
2nd - Ralph's - Flennox D'Eroudur for Brighu
Open Bitch - 2 entries
1st - Lloyd's - Ghiana D'Eroudur at Belsharose
2nd - Ralph's - Zinka Van Schranshoeve for Brighu
BEST BITCH - Ghiana D'Eroudur at Belsharose
RESERVE BEST BITCH - Bonvivant Aziva**
BEST PUPPY BITCH - Bonvivant Aziva**
BEST VETERAN BITCH - Zinka Van Schranshoeve for Brighu
BEST OF BREED - Ghiana D'Eroudur at Belsharose
RESERVE BEST OF BREED - Haramis D'Eroudur at Belsharose
BEST PUPPY IN BREED - Bonvivant Ave A Go Of Okami**
BEST VETERAN IN BREED - Zinka Van Schranshoeve for Brighu
Judge:- Mo Glenton
Puppy Dog - 3 entries
1st - Ralph's - Bonvivant Zippy Dedoodah
2nd - Flint's - Quintdelta Yankie
3rd - Wilcox's - Quintdelta Romeo
Junior Dog - 5 entries (1 absent)
1st - Lloyd's - Belsharose Nebraska
2nd - Jellicoe's - Casyka's Ituha
3rd - Holmes' - Revloch Yabba Dabba Doo
Res - Hubert's - Belsharose Colarado
Postgrad Dog - 1 entry
1st - Cliffe's - Bonvivant Whizz Kid
Limit Dog - 2 entries
1st - Walker-Smith's - Bonvivant Saumur
2nd - Brett's - Goldmali Bohemian Rhapsody
Open Dog - 2 entries (1 absent)
1st - Ralph's - Bonvivant Tete a Tete
Veteran Dog - 3 entries (1 absent)
1st - Ralph & Donovan's - Ch. Bonvivant Dewet
2nd - Neff's - Revloch O'Maille
BEST DOG - Belsharose Nebraska
RESERVE BEST DOG - Bonvivant Tete a Tete
BEST PUPPY DOG - Bonvivant Zippy Dedoodah
BEST VETERAN DOG - Ch Bonvivant Dewet
Puppy Bitch - 2 entries
1st - Davis' - Jotunheim Alma
2nd - Wilcox's - Quintdelta Foxtrot
Junior Bitch - 4 entries (1 absent)
1st - Reeves & Lloyd's - Belsharose Oklahoma
2nd - Cafferata's - Foxbriar Naughty but Nice
3rd - Lloyd's - Belsharose Tennesee
Postgraduate Bitch - 5 entries
1st - Lloyd's Belsharose Missouri
2nd - Wilcox's - Bonvivant Yasmine at Delark
3rd - Ralph & Donovan's - Bonvivant Ysatis
RES - Jellicoe's - Goldmali Could It Be Magic
VHC - Cafferata's - Bonvivant Saphire at Foxbriar
Limit Bitch - 2 entries
1st - Cafferata's - Foxbriar Joie de Vivre
2nd - Kirk's - Bonvivant Sorciere
Open Bitch - 4 entries
1st - Ralph's - Bonvivant Halsane
2nd - Faffey & Jellicoe's - Ch. Sabrefield Sequoya
3rd - Cafferata's - Foxbriar Joie de Vivre
RES - Brown's - Ch. Bonvivant Coup de Foudre Avec Zodantta CSAU-TAN ShCM
Veteran Bitch - 3 entries
1st - Lawless' - Multi Ch. Revloch O'Baoill
2nd - Brett's - Sabrefield Zimply Zuper
3rd - Davis' - Sabrefield Classy Affair with Daelois
BEST BITCH - Belsharose Oklahoma
BEST PUPPY BITCH - Jotunheim Alma
BEST OF BREED - Belsharose Nebraska
RESERVE BEST OF BREED - Belsharose Oklahoma
BEST PUPPY IN BREED - Bonvivant Zippy Dedoodah
Judge:- Liz Richardson
Minor Puppy Dog - 2 entries
1st - Fletcher's - Belpetilon Diablo
2nd - Raddings' - Minka Prospect Cash
Puppy Dog - 0 entries
Junior Dog - 2 entries
1st - Gilmore's - Witherbark Archer
2nd - King's - Grizwold Karavulik
Yearling Dog - 2 entries
1st - Heap's - Cold as Ice du Chemin des Sorcieres at Depamead
2nd - Mcandie's - El Nino de la Prairie de la Sommerau at Niavana (TAF)
Postgraduate Dog - 3 entries
1st - Kelly & Mcandie's - Niavana Entrepreneur
2nd - Pratten & Cumberland's - Bergeau Flamboyant
3rd - Church's - Invanse Dare to Dream
Limit Dog - 7 entries
1st - Harriman's - Domburg Top That
2nd - Pavey's - Niavana Cognac
3rd - Theobald's - Domburg The Outlaw
RES - Grimes' - Xcalibur Van Monet to Everquest
VHC - Grimes' - Kvina's Cruising the Stars to Everquest
Open Dog - 8 entries (3 absent)
1st - Morris' - Cairbair That Special Touch ShCM
2nd - Grimes & Spick & Pratten's - Ch Bergeau Paint with Matisse for Everquest
3rd - McDonald's - sr Ch. Corsini Valentino
RES - Simpson & Mackie's - Hawksflight Inca's Quest
VHC - McDonald's - Ch. Corsini Virtuoso
Veteran Dog - 3 entries (1 absent)
1st - Barker & Winfrow's - Delark Talkin About You
2nd - Matthews' - Corsini Sierra Madre
Special Vintage Dog - 1 entry
1st - Cumberland & King's - Bergeau Northern Lights
BEST DOG - Cairbair That Special Touch ShCM
RESERVE BEST DOG - Ch Bergeau Paint with Matisse for Everquest
BEST PUPPY DOG - Belpetilon Diablo
BEST VETERAN DOG - Delark Talkin About You
Minor Puppy Bitch - 6 entries (1 absent)
1st - Snell's - Hawksflight Made You Smile
2nd - Briggs & Elliott & Woodward's - Hawksflight Made in Style for Bellpins
3rd - Sowtus' - Hawksflight Made You Love Me
RES - Bennett's - Hawksflight Seas the Moment
VHC - Griffiths' - Minka Pheonix Jazz
Puppy Bitch - 3 entries
1st - Jacobs' - Hawksflight Made You Wish
2nd - Bennett's - Hawksflight Seas the Moment
3rd - Davis' - Ambrajai Working on a Dream
Junior Bitch - 2 entries
1st - Hyde's - Laurelin Andante
2nd - Holbutt's - Grizwold Kaumudi
Yearling Bitch - 2 entries
1st - O'Farrell's - Kelluki Touch of Gold
2nd - Openheim's - Domburg Without Doubt
Postgraduate Bitch - 13 entries (1 absent)
1st - Townsend's - Delark Wichy Woo
2nd - Adams' - Jymack Pandora
3rd - Cashmore's - Belsharose Chardonnay
RES - Bartrip - Jymack Chichenitza
VHC - Cullen's - Corsini Interlude
Limit Bitch - 12 entries (3 absent)
1st - Robinson & Goode's - Xanova Exotic Dancer
2nd - Donaldson's - Revloch Weather Girl of Fivannte (IKC JW ShCM)
3rd - Fisher & Mclaren's - Corsini Flashdance
RES - Gardiner's - Kehala Hidden Surprise
VHC - Brown & Godfrey's - Sezanne Gucci at Kirstavin
Open Bitch - 9 entries (2 absent)
1st - Hereson & Malinowski's - Ch. Domburg Hot at the Top at Jumasue
2nd - Brown & Godfrey's - Corsini Prada at Sezanne
3rd - Mackie's - Ch. Hawksflight Royal Raven
RES - Gardiner's - Kehala Portia's Kiss
VHC - Scadding's - Delator Ayshas Dream of Ayshavinnie
Veteran Bitch - 7 entries (2 absent)
1st - Hatcher's - Kelluki Angelic Whisper
2nd - Hatcher's - Xanova True Love
3rd - Gasiorek's - Ch. Bergeau Just Like a Breeze
RES - Donaldson's - Fivannte Bonnie Dreamer (ShCM)
VHC - King's - Bonvivant Destiny for Grizwold
Special Vintage Bitch - 2 entry
1st - Philips' - Vogan Celebration Wolf at Desertdancer
2nd - Wolf's - Flambards Layla at Nosregor
BEST BITCH - Ch. Domburg Hot at the Top at Jumasue
RESERVE BEST BITCH - Xanova Exotic Dancer
BEST PUPPY BITCH - Hawksflight Made You Smile
BEST VETERAN BITCH - Vogan Celebration Wolf at Desertdancer
BEST OF BREED - Cairbair That Special Touch ShCM
RESERVE BEST OF BREED - Ch. Domburg Hot at the Top at Jumasue
BEST PUPPY IN BREED - Hawksflight Made You Smile
BEST VETERAN IN BREED - Vogan Celebration Wolf at Desertdancer
Forthcoming Events:
The Belgian Shepherd Dog Association of Great Britain
SUNDAY 29th March 2015
See Events for further details

Many thanks to Valerie Oatley for sending in this picture of the beautiful Savannah (Jetaime Essence D’Elegance) winning Best Bitch and Res BOB at the BSDA of GB Open Show last month.

Please send in pictures of your dogs for inclusion on the website!