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Judge: Myriam Vermeire

Best of Breed

Reserve Best of Breed

Best Veteran
Minor Puppy Dog (4 entries).
1st - Tolley & Church's - Invanse Dare To Dream.
2nd - Wallis' - Hawksflight Golden Eagle.
3rd - Hughes' - Fosvek Romeo's Waiting.
Res - Tir's - Hawksflight Kingfisher.
Puppy Dog (1 entry).
1st - Davies & Morris' - Kehala Dancing In The Dark With Ambrajai.
Junior Dog (2 entries).
1st - Barrow's - Dragonlance Nevada at Kaimlacey.
2nd - Sharp & Moslin's - Legend of Usky Z Kovarny.
Special Yearling Dog (2 entries).
1st - Grimes' - Excalibur van Moned to Everquest.
2nd - Pavey's - Niavana Cognac.
Post Graduate Dog (10 entries).
1st - Pavey's - Niavana Cognac.
2nd - Newman & Hatcher's - Kelluki Chevalier Tialys.
3rd - Jones' - Hawksflight African Kambiri.
Res - Sharp & Moslin's - Valentino Z Kovarny to Wildfire CDex.
Vhc - Pratten & Cumberland's - Bergeau Flamboyant.
Limit Dog (13 entries).
1st - Oaten & Beale's - Corsini Intuition.
2nd - Mackie & Collins' - Vegas van Moned at Domburg.
3rd - Oaten & Beale's - Corsini Amaretto.
Vhc - Hall's - Xanova du Legolas.
Res - Grimes, Spick & Pratten's - Bergeau Paint with Matisse for Everquest.
Open Dog (7 entries).
1st - Church's - Corsini French Coffee at Askja.
2nd - Syms' - Delark and All That Jazz.
3rd - McNamara & McKay's - Ch. Kehala Mr. Sandman.
Res - Grainger's - Kirstavin Hamsah.
Vhc - Joyce's - Delark Twist and Shout.
Special Veteran Dog (3 entries).
1st - Deakin's - Ch. Fivannte Crown Prince.
2nd - Brason's - Flambards Androcles.
Special Vintage Dog (1 entry).
1st - Mackie's - Hawksflight Excalibur.
DOG CC - Corsini French Coffee at Askja.
RESERVE DOG CC - Delark and All That Jazz.
BEST PUPPY DOG - Invanse Dare to Dream.
BEST VETERAN DOG - Ch. Fivannte Crown Prince.
Minor Puppy Bitch (4 entries).
1st - Mackie's - Hawksflight Royal Raven.
2nd - Gardiner's - Kehala Band of Gold.
3rd - Church & Roberts' - Invanse Promises Promises.
Res - Foster's - Fosvek Sherri.
Puppy Bitch (4 entries).
1st - Donaldson's - Revloch Weather Girl at Fivannte.
2nd - Taylor's - Xanova Obsession.
3rd - King's - Grizwold Jamari.
Junior Bitch (7 entries).
1st - Fisher & McLaren's - Corsini Flashdance.
2nd - Hooper's - Dragonlance Mirage.
3rd - Scadding & Andrew's - Delator I Am The One.
Res - Bartrip's - Jymack Chichenitza.
Special Yearling Bitch (5 entries).
1st - Robinson & Goode's - Xanova Exotic Dancer.
2nd - Hatcher's - Kelluki Simply Gorgeous.
3rd - Stanbridge's - Tervdale Fire Princess.
Post Graduate Bitch (10 entries).
1st - Brown & Godfrey's - Sezanne Palamino.
2nd - Church's - Zellik French Connection.
3rd - Pratten's - Bergeau Paint A Rainbow.
Res - Bond & McCarthy's - Chatmar Extra Factor.
Vhc - Lindsay's - Baudwin Firebird of Fablehawk.
Limit Bitch (6 entries).
1st - Brown & Godfrey's - Corsini Prada at Sezanne.
2nd - Mackie & Budgen's - Hawksflight African Fayola.
3rd - Donaldson's - Fivannte English Rose JW ShCM.
Res - Stanbridge's - Tervdale Desert Queen.
Open Bitch (5 entries).
1st - Robinson & Goode's - Ch. Xanova Lady Eowyn.
2nd - Brown & Godfrey's - Corsini Dior at Sezanne.
3rd - Hearson & Malinowski's - Ch. Domburg Hot At The Top at Jumasue.
Res - Newns' - Bandarlog Never Sinned for Foxfoot.
Vhc - Davies' - Cairbar Touch the Dream wit Ambrajai.
Special Veteran Bitch (6 entries).
1st - Donaldson's - Fivannte Bonnie Dreamer ShCM.
2nd - Hatcher's - Xanova True Love.
3rd - Lindsay's - Fablehawk Dragonlance Mifaria.
Res - Stanbridge's - Zellik Firecrest.
Vhc - Cook's - Kehlark Kiara.
Special Vintage Bitch (3 entries).
1st - Donaldson's - Morgane de Condivicnum at Belamba.
2nd - Brown & Godfrey's - Jive-Talk de Condivicnum at Corsini.
3rd - Phillips' - Flambards Layla at Nosregor.
BITCH CC - Corsini Prada at Sezanne.
RESERVE BITCH CC - Xanova Exotic Dancer.
BEST PUPPY BITCH - Revloch Weather Girl of Fivannte.
BEST VETERAN BITCH - Fivannte Bonnie Dreamer ShCM.
BEST OF BREED - Corsini French Coffe at Askja.
RESERVE BEST OF BREED - Corsini Prada at Sezanne.
BEST PUPPY IN BREED - Revloch Weather Girl of Fivannte.
BEST VETERAN IN BREED - Ch. Fivannte Crown Prince.
Forthcoming Events:
The Belgian Shepherd Dog Association of Great Britain
SUNDAY 29th March 2015
See Events for further details

Many thanks to Valerie Oatley for sending in this picture of the beautiful Savannah (Jetaime Essence D’Elegance) winning Best Bitch and Res BOB at the BSDA of GB Open Show last month.

Please send in pictures of your dogs for inclusion on the website!