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1st April 2007
Judge: Tanya Thompson.
BEST IN SHOW - Xanova Femme Noir (G).
RESERVE BEST IN SHOW - Corsini Dior at Sezanne (T)
BEST OPPOSITE SEX IN SHOW - Ebontide Parisian Knight at Noirdael (G)
BEST PUPPY IN SHOW - Corsini Finesse (T)
BEST VETERAN IN SHOW - Domburg Oh What A Night for Dualuse (T)
Judge: Mike Cafferata.
Puppy Dog - (3 entries - 1 absent)
1st - Knight's - Ebontide Rikardo at Noirdael.
2nd - Hedger's - Ebontide Storm Warning.
Junior Dog - (1 entry).
1st - Knight's - Ebontide Rikardo at Noirdael.
Post Graduate Dog (2 entries - 1 absent)
1st - Jameson-Nicholls' - Ebontide Timelord.
Limit Dog -(4 entries).
1st - Staveley's - Belkaton Dream of Black.
2nd - Jameson-Nicholls' - Vanistica Kanasta.
3rd - Wilcox & Fleming's - Xurits Diezel of Ailort.
Res - Oatley's - Vanistica French Gambler at Je T'Aime.
Open Dog (4 entries - 2 absent).
1st - Knight's - Ebontide Parisian Knight at Noirdael.
2nd - Brason's - Delark Firecracker at Flambards.
Veteran Dog - (2 entries, 1 absent).
1st - Snook's - Daelois Van Damme.
Best Groenendael Dog - Ebontide Parisian Knight at Noirdael.
Reserve Best Groenendael Dog - Belkaton Dream of Black.
Best Groenendael Puppy Dog - Ebontide Rikardo at Noirdael.
Best Veteran Groenendael Dog - Daelois Van Damme.
Puppy Bitch - no entries.
Junior Bitch - (1 entry).
1st - Glenton's - Vanistica Irresistible of Baudwin.
Post Graduate Bitch - (2 entries - 1 absent).
1st - Oatley's - Je T'Aime Esprit D'Elegance.
Limit Bitch - (5 entries - 2 absent).
1st - Robinson & Goode's - Xanova Femme Noir.
2nd - Overton's - Vanistica Sea Fennel.
3rd - Brason's - Lebeau She's Got The Look at Flambards.
Open Bitch - (3 entries).
1st - Robinson & Goode's - Ebontide Nocturne of Xanova.
2nd - Westley & Grevett's - Zellik Black Bonnie at Linvetts.
3rd - Oatley's - Ebontide Minuet at Je T'Aime.
Veteran Bitch - (2 entries).
1st - Davis' - Daelois Van Mieris CDex.
2nd - Davis' - Charbonny O'Keefe at Daelois CDex UDex.
Best Groenendael Bitch - Xanova Femme Noir.
Reserve Best Groenendael Bitch - Je T'Aime Esprit D'Elegance.
Best Veteran Groenendael Bitch - Daelois Van Mieris CDex.
Best of Breed - Xanova Femme Noir.
Reserve Best of Breed - Ebontide Parisian Knight at Noirdael.
Best Puppy in Breed - Ebontide Rikardo at Noirdael.
Best Veteran in Breed - Daelois Van Damme.
Judge: Mike Cafferata.
No entries.
Judge: Mike Cafferata.
Junior Dog/Bitch - (3 entries, 1 absent).
1st - Bull's - Bonvivant Nonpareil with Stonedragon.
2nd - Wright's - Bonvivant Noblesse Oblige.
Post Graduate Dog - no entries.
Open Dog - (2 entries).
1st - Chandler's - Gwashleas Regency Bandit.
2nd - Bennett's - Sabrefield Zooming High.
Post Graduate Bitch - (2 entries, 1 absent).
1st - Bull's - Bonvivant Nonpareil with Stonedragon.
Open Bitch - (4 entries, 2 absent).
1st - Ralph & Wright's - Bonviant Habibi.
2nd - Davis' - Sabrefield A Classy Affair with Daelois.
Best Malinois Dog - Bonviant Noblesse Oblige.
Reserve Best Malinois Dog - Gwashleas Regency Bandit.
Best Malinois Bitch - Bonviant Nonpareil with Stonedragon.
Reserve Best Malinois Bitch - Bonvivant Habibi.
Best of Breed - Bonvivant Nonpareil with Stonedragon.
Reserve Best of Breed - Bonvivant Noblesse Oblige.
Judge: Pam Davies
Puppy Dog - (3 entries, 1 absent).
1st - Oaten & Beale's - Corsini Intuition.
2nd - Kozakiewicz's - Revloch Vialli.
Junior Dog - (2 entries).
1st - Grimes, Spick & Pratten's - Bergeau Paint With Matisse for Everquest.
2nd - Kosakiewicz's - Revloch Vialli.
Post Graduate Dog - (6 entries, 2 absent).
1st - Berry's - Xanova Sir Galahad.
2nd - Oaten & Beale's - Corsini Amaretto.
3rd - Franklyn-Mann & Fisher's - Jymack Galileo.
Res - Pratten & Cumberland's - Bergeau Flamboyant.
Limit Dog - (4 entries, 1 absent).
1st - Hall's - Xanova Du Legolas.
2nd - Hall's - Xanova Lord Sauron.
3rd - Grimes, Spick & Wetherell's - Kimbesha Azurite at Everquest.
Open Dog - (2 entries, 1 absent).
1st - Grimes' - Ch. Corsini Matisse.
Veteran Dog - (4 entries, 1 absent).
1st - Brason's - Flambards Androcles.
2nd - Pratten's - Corsini Incognito at Bergeau.
3rd - Marsden's - Bandarlog Wild and Wicked.
Best Tervueren Dog - Ch. Corsini Matisse.
Reserve Best Tervueren Dog - Xanova Du Legolas.
Best Tervueren Dog Puppy - Corsini Intuition.
Best Tervueren Dog Veteran - Flambards Androcles.
Puppy Bitch - (3 entries).
1st - McLaren's - Corsini Finesse.
2nd - Winfrow's - Brackenmeer Moondust Over Delark.
3rd - Glenton's - Baudwin Firefly.
Junior Bitch - (5 entries).
1st - Brown & Godfrey's - Sezanne Camarese.
2nd - Tir's - Sezanne Pelara.
3rd - Pratten's - Bergeau Paint A Rainbow.
Res - Lindsay's - Baudwin Firebird of Fablehawk.
Vhc - Rankin's - Magical Wish.
Post Graduate Bitch - (4 entries, 2 absent).
1st - McLaren & Oaten - Corsini La Traviata.
2nd - Stanbridge's - Tervdale Desert Dancer.
Limit Bitch - (4 entries, 2 absent).
1st - Brown & Godfrey's - Corsini Prade at Sezanne.
2nd - Phillips & McLaren's - Corsini Touch of Class from Desertdancer.
Open Bitch - (3 entries, 1 absent).
1st - Brown & Godfrey's - Corsini Dior at Sezanne.
2nd - Hearson & Malinowski's - Domburg Hot At The Top at Jumasue. JW.
Veteran Bitch - (4 entries, 1 absent).
1st - Berry's - Domburg Oh What A Night for Dualuse.
2nd - Lindsay's - Fablehawk Dragonlance Mifaria.
3rd - Stanbridge's - Zellik Firecrest.
Best Tervueren Bitch - Corsini Dior at Sezanne.
Reserve Best Tervueren Bitch - Corsini La Traviata.
Best Tervueren Bitch Puppy - Corsini Finesse.
Best Tervueren Bitch Veteran - Domburg Oh What A Night for Dualuse.
Best of Breed - Corsini Dior at Sezanne.
Reserve Best of Breed - Ch. Corsini Matisse.
Best Puppy in Breed - Corsini Finesse.
Best Veteran in Breed - Domburg Oh What A Night for Dualuse.
Judge: Tanya Thompson.
Class 6-11 years - no entries.
Class 12-16 years.
1st - Lara Wilcox.
2nd - Samantha Bull.
Judge: Joyce Taylor.
Pre-Beginners - (5 entries, 3 absent).
1st - Cafferata's - Dancing Dora (crossbreed).
2nd - Grimes, Spick & Wetherell's - Bergeau Paint With Matisse for Everquest.
Beginners - (5 entries, 1 absent).
1st - Berry's - Dualuse Fenfire.
2nd - Cafferata's - Dancing Dora (crossbreed).
3rd - Davis' - Sabrefield A Classy Affair with Daelois.
Res - Herrmann & Mack's - Bonheur Voodoo.
Novice - (14 entries).
1st - Snook's - Daelois Van Damme.
2nd - Phillips' - Sheltysham Shades O'Red at Desertdancer (Border Collie).
3rd - Franklyn-Mann's - Ch. Jymack The Red Baron.
Res - Overton's - Vanistica Sea Fennel.
Vhc - Phillips' - Corsini Belle Epoque.
Test A - (4 entries, 2 absent).
1st - Phillips' - Sheltyshamm Shades O'Red at Desertdancer (Border Collie).
2nd - Herrmann & Mack's - Daelois Van Gogh.
Forthcoming Events:
The Belgian Shepherd Dog Association of Great Britain
SUNDAY 29th March 2015
See Events for further details

Many thanks to Valerie Oatley for sending in this picture of the beautiful Savannah (Jetaime Essence D’Elegance) winning Best Bitch and Res BOB at the BSDA of GB Open Show last month.

Please send in pictures of your dogs for inclusion on the website!